French Donut Championship

Thursday 3rd April , 9:00am -12:00 pm / Snacking Arena

Donut enthusiasts and specialists will come from all over France to compete for the first ever title of French Donut Champion.

Moist, tasty, inventive... a fresh, quality donut requires a technique and know-how that is much more advanced than it seems!

Through this competition, the aim is to highlight the know-how and inventiveness required to make a real fresh donut, which places it in the pantheon of fine pastry making in the same way as a chocolate éclair.

Terms and conditions:
  • Registration Deadline: 31st January  2025
  • 3 Challenges

The challenges

Entrants will compete using the Dawn Foods Donuts Mix: 

Technical Donut (60g ring shape and Damcosnow sugar)

Donut that goes best with a morning coffee (open gourmet creation)

Flavours of the World Donut (a new take on the donut, inspired by international cuisine)

 2025 Jury 

Paul Fédèle

France Snacking

Niagalé Diallo

Home Donuts

2022 winner

Noa Katz

Pastry chef

2024 winners

1st: Meng-Sear Taing (La Maison du Donut)

2d: Florent Masgonty (Ô Donuts Toulouse)

3rd: Muriel Peronet (Les délices de Mumu)

A look back at the competition