Best Brioche in France

New 2025

Thursday 3 April, 9 am-12pm / Snacking Arena

A competition dedicated to brioche, a trending pastry at the moment, which comes in an infinite variety of sweet, savoury and even plant-based versions!

This creative, gourmet competition will welcome bakery, pastry and food service professionals.

To win the title of Best Brioche in France, the shortlisted entrants will have to compete in a series of 3 contests to demonstrate both their technical mastery and their creativity.

Terms and conditions:

  • Registration will close on March 17th
  • 3 contests 



A contest in 3 stages 

To win the title of Best Brioche in France, shortlisted contestants will have to compete in 3 events to demonstrate both their technical mastery and their creativity.

Technical event 

Puff pastry brioche 

Contestants will be judged on their ability to make a classic puff pastry brioche, from shaping the dough to baking, including mastering the rising time. 

Set event 

Savoury plant-based brioche 

In this crossover of 2 major snacking trends, contestants will have to propose a plant-based brioche using Algama seaweed powder, with added savoury veggie toppings. 

Creative event 

Sweet brioche

Contestants can let their imaginations run wild as they create a sweet and original snacking brioche. 

2025 Jury members

Jean-François Feuillette

President of the Jury

Feuillette Bakeries

Emeline Bernard

Influencer @jemangequoicesoir

Guillaume Godin

Pastry Chef

Restaurant Guy Savoy

Patrick Rougereau

Food photographer

Sponsors & partners

Contest Sponsor

Contest partner

Contest partner

Contest partner